urge the payment of overdue accounts 意味

  • 未払いの勘定の支払いを催促する


        urge someone to take action on his overdue payment:    未払分{みはらい ぶん}[延滞分{えんたい ぶん}?期限経過分{きげん けいか ぶん}]の支払手続きを(急ぐよう)(人)に強く催促{さいそく}する
        overdue on a payment:    overdue on a payment 未納 みのう
        overdue payment:    支払延滞分{しはらい えんたい ぶん}
        urge payment:    支払いを催促する
        enclose the overdue payment:    遅れていた代金{だいきん}を同封{どうふう}する
        obtain payment of overdue debts:    延滞債務の支払いを得る
        delinquent charge when the tax payment is overdue:    納期限{のうきげん}を過ぎた場合{ばあい}の延滞金{えんたいきん}
        urge someone to make a prompt payment:    至急支払うよう(人)に強く催促{さいそく}する
        receipt and payment of treasury accounts with the public:    財政資金対民間収支{ざいせい しきん たい みんかん しゅうし}
        overdue:     overdue adj. 支払い期限の過ぎた; 遅れた. 【副詞】 The train is an hour overdue. 列車の到着が 1 時間遅れている The rent was three months overdue. 家賃が 3 か月(など)滞っていた. 【+前置詞】 My house is overdue for repair. 私の
        to be overdue:    to be overdue 後れる 遅れる おくれる
        to urge:    to urge 責め立てる せめたてる 促す うながす
        to urge on:    to urge on 急き立てる せきたてる 急かす せかす
        urge:     1urge n. 衝動, 推進力. 【動詞+】 By controlling his natural urges, man has made great progress. 生来の衝動を抑制統御することによって人間は大きな進歩を遂げてきた I had to control an urge to kick him. 彼をけとばしてやろうという衝動を抑えなければならなか
        accounts:    accounts 帳面面 ちょうめんづら


  1. "urge the nation to war" 意味
  2. "urge the necessity of" 意味
  3. "urge the need of" 意味
  4. "urge the overthrow of a government" 意味
  5. "urge the passing of the bill during this session" 意味
  6. "urge the police to investigate the accident" 意味
  7. "urge the public and private sectors alike to intensify their efforts at market development" 意味
  8. "urge the quick return of" 意味
  9. "urge the ratification of the ctbt" 意味
  10. "urge the overthrow of a government" 意味
  11. "urge the passing of the bill during this session" 意味
  12. "urge the police to investigate the accident" 意味
  13. "urge the public and private sectors alike to intensify their efforts at market development" 意味

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